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    My top three highlighters to get your glow on

    My top three highlighters to get your glow on

    Highlighter, bringing me that glow since 2010 and totally coming up trumps for me today. Highlighting powders are great but cream based highlighters are my thing!!!! My three faves on…

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    How to age well …. the art of ageing smarter!

    How to age well …. the art of ageing smarter!

    Question …. is there an art to ageing smarter? I mean let’s be honest, for a load of us – sticking my hand highly up in the air – the…

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    A modern home, made for living

    A modern home, made for living

    There has been a lot written about fast fashion recently and we as consumers are being more aware of a number of issues, like waste, that are linked to our…

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    Chocolate avocado ice cream

    Chocolate avocado ice cream

    Back in the 80’s my gran tried to get me into avocados by serving them as a starter at dinner. Wasn’t too keen, not going to lie. Three decades later…

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    Sunscreen and SPF …. my top tips.

    Sunscreen and SPF …. my top tips.

    When you live in a converted steading you get an indication early on in the day if it is going to be a hot day. I hear by call a…

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