10 easy sustainable life hacks

garden heart

You want to lead a greener and more sustainable life, but you think it is hard to intertwine into your daily routine …. wrong. Here are 10 easy everyday ways to lead a more sustainable life in your own home …. and I mean super easy ways. Every little bit helps. They may also save you some money!

  • Turn that tap off when you are brushing your teeth
  • Take a refillable and recyclable water bottle with you. They look nicer and your water will taste better too
  • Do you really need a 20 minute shower? Try reducing it to 10 minutes or better still 5 minutes
  • Get your bills online instead of paper copies in the post
  • Reduce the volume of each toilet flush by placing a bag of rocks in your toilet tank
  • Carry a canvas or re-usable shopping bag with you to avoid buying or using plastic ones
  • Ditch the plastics and disposables in the kitchen. Plastic forks and utensils can easily be replaced with re-usable and recyclable products
  • Use detergents and hand washes that are kinder to the environment when they are rinsed away and ditch the artificial room sprays …. while you are at it get rid of those toxin filled synthetic candles
  • Recycle your used coffee grinds or tea and put them on your plants for a great natural fertiliser
  • Plants – plant more of them in your garden. Especially beautiful oxygen producing trees