Mel Millis Cleansing Oil & Repair Serum

In the beginning there was Millis…..Marvellous Mel Millis! I fell in love with Mel Millis’ Rose Hydrolate as soon as I got it I was fairly quick off the mark to…

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Aloe Dent Triple Action Fluoride Toothpaste

Allo, Allo this is Aloe calling….. I first got to understand the soothing, rejuvenating and healing properties of the aloe plant whilst I was on holiday in Barbados. My travelling partner,…

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Organic Mung Bean Fettucine (not ming)

I was delighted when a bag of Explore Asian Organic Mung Bean Fettuccine shapes arrived in my box of delights from Nature’s Healthbox the other day. I had seen it…

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Douchebags – A smart travel companion

Hands up if you have been on a plane and watched your luggage being thrown about with woeful Olympic athleticism by some baggage handlers below. We have had a few…

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Is this the best blender? ( and juicer, ice-cream maker, …

Miracle of miracles ….. my full household de-clutter has made my kitchen an easier place to navigate. Gone are the extra plates, glasses, mugs and cutlery that were never used. Woo…

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