Why you need FaceGym in your life

Do you dread taking a selfie? For me there seems to be two main times of year when the obligatory selfie comes out in force …. the festive season and…

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Inge Theron – Fifi Friendly Festive Fast Five

If you mention the words Face Gym to me, my ears prick up immediately. Love love love Face Gym. These genius people did something to my skin this summer that…

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A to Z of Fifi Friendly Body and Beauty

This started off as an A to Z of all things Fifi Friendly, but the truth is these Body and Beauty folks needed their own compilation!! Welcome to some of…

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Must Have Product of the Month – August

I am sure I say this each month, but each month I find it harder to choose the Fifi Friendly Must Have Product of the Month. Not due to my…

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Face Gym by Spa Junkie

I know that some people love to take a selfie, but the truth is I am not normally one of them. I have far too many dislikes of my facial…

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