How to age well …. the art of ageing smarter!

Question …. is there an art to ageing smarter? I mean let’s be honest, for a load of us – sticking my hand highly up in the air – the…

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My Skin Hydration Heroes for Spring/summer 2019

Regardless of your skin type, dehydration can happen and it is important to get that moisture back in there pronto. In winter it will be the heating and cold weather…

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High Potency Hyaluronic Acid Capsules

Another birthday has passed and although I am not one of those people who fears adding a number to my age, it is no shock to me to realise that…

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VOYA Discovery

Wow….. what a comedown. This time last week I was wrapped up in a fluffy white robe at Fletcher’s Cottage Spa in East Lothian and discover VOYA’s organic seaweed products. As you…

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Why you need FaceGym in your life

Do you dread taking a selfie? For me there seems to be two main times of year when the obligatory selfie comes out in force …. the festive season and…

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