VOYA Discovery

VOYA Discovery

Wow….. what a comedown. This time last week I was wrapped up in a fluffy white robe at Fletcher’s Cottage Spa in East Lothian and discover VOYA’s organic seaweed products. As you know dear reader, I am a big fan of the mothership that is Fletcher’s Cottage Spa at Archerfield. What I actually mean is that I would like to live in the stunning Archerfield Estate!

Over a decade ago VOYA became the world’s first certified organic based skincare brand. Our visit was to learn bit more about the brand and also gets hands on with their growing product range.  At the time of writing this there are just over 50 VOYA products available. My first VOYA experience was with their Lazy Days Bath hut at Fletcher’s Cottage, but I was curious to learn how their hand-picked wild Irish seaweed could benefit not only my skin, but also my health and general well-being.

Sustainable and Certified Organic

VOYA Organic Beauty is not only a Soil Association Certified range but they also believe in sustainable harvesting.  All their seaweed is harvested using conservative methods to ensure that there is no environmental damage to the local habitat. For those of you who like to be sustainable,I highly recommend their Lazy Days for a seaweed bath at home. Once you have finished with the seaweed you can use it in your garden as a brilliant compost.

Voya Organic Beauty

Eco-aware Packaging

VOYA take a holistic approach to their products and ensure that all packaging is eco-conscious too. All of the VOYA range is housed in packaging made from recycled, recyclable or biodegradable materials.  Furthermore, VOYA’s outer packaging is made from a mixture ground dried seaweed and paper.

Health and Well-Being Benefits of Seaweed

For 100’s of years, seaweed bathing has been a traditional therapy in Ireland. Seaweed is naturally filled with Iodine which helps speed up your metabolism and lymphatic drainage. Bathing in seaweed is also known to be a beneficial treatment for psoriasis, eczema and dermatitis sufferers as well as athletes or anyone suffering any joint pain.

“Seaweed boosts the immune system and helps to maintain a healthy thyroid gland, and is proven to detoxify, hydrate and nourish your skin and hair” VOYA

Voya seaweed


VOYA products contain loads ….that is clearly a technical quantity …. of organic and anti-ageing properties in the shape of vitamins, minerals, algal polyphenols and carotenoids. The last two are strong antioxidants which help combat against cell damage from oxygen free radicals. That is the scientific bit. VOYA’s  products also make you skin look and feel ridiculously good.

I loved this VOYA discovery morning. We got hands on with a facial, learned about different types of seaweed, held seaweed, drank tea and we were also treated to some amazing sushi! VOYA is a great example of how your skin can benefit from natures powerful resources, but not to the detriment of the earth. My skin felt amazing and super soft ….. so I managed to brave doing post facial make-up free selfie with the lovely Pamela from VOYA …. whilst wearing a massive fluffy gown. Nice!  Thanks for looking after us.

VOYA ORganic beauty


