Mel Millis Organic Rose Hydrolate Mist Tonic

When Fifi met Mel…. Having spent so many years struggling to find products that were more natural and more importantly performed well, I stand before you to admit I am…

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Salt of the Earth Pure Aura Deodorant

Sweat Baby, Sweat Mark 2…. The problem with sequels is that they often fade in comparison with the original. Have you ever heard anyone rave about Jaws II,  Cars 2,…

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Salcura Body Hydrator

Get a leg up….. Unlike my arms, I only really pay proper and diligent attention to the hydration of my legs in warmer weather or before an event where I…

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Naissance Massage Butter with Fresh Citrus

When lime is good without the tequila…… Since I started this blog, I have been spending a lot more time in front of my PC….don’t tell the chiropractor…. but I…

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Ayurveda Pura

I hear you Ayurveda…. For a Sunday afternoon I am feeling suitably revitalised……hmmm…..that is not normal for me. Definitely not due to me burning the candle at both ends this…

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