Harriet Inglis – Festive Fast Five

spacemasks fifi friendly

While I was getting my hair chopped the other day I found myself waxing lyrical about Spacemasks to my lovely hairdresser Lori. It occurred to me at that moment that the one product that I have recommended the MOST to anyone who will listen to me in 2018 is Spacemasks …. hands down!

Founded by the genuinely awesome Harriet Inglis, Spacemasks are an award-winning self-heating eye mask that is frankly one of the most brilliant self-care products out there.

Perfect for eye strain, tension headaches, getting you off your screen and helping to relax you before you sleep. These eye masks gently unplug us from our everyday world and are the antidote to modern day screen filled lives.

Lasting about 15 minutes, Spacemasks are soft in texture, jasmine infused and gently heat up as soon as you open the packet.  All you have to do is secure the mask’s loops around your ears, be in the moment and relax. Quite possible the best 15 minutes of your day…. It could be longer to be honest, I have normally fallen asleep by the time it is over.

Love the product …. can you tell? Also love watching Harriet’s Instagram stories, she invariably has me in stitches at some point!!! As for her two dachshunds, Gretel and Strudel, well they are simply genius too. Today I am over the moon that Harriet if answering the Festive Fast Five!

What would you love to find under the Christmas Tree or in your Christmas Stocking this year? A book of massage and facial vouchers.  I am a huge fan of skincare and take enormous care of my face.  I also love a sneaky massage when I’m feeling weary and fed up.

Which five people from past or present would you love to celebrate New Years Eve or have Christmas Dinner with? Don’t blub but I’d do anything to see my parents again.  My father died unexpectedly of a heart attack when I was 11 and my mother lost her battle with breast cancer when she was only 48.  I was 22 and not a day goes by without me thinking about them.  As well as them, Xmas with my long suffering husband and our 4 daughters always makes me exceedingly happy.

What/who has been your favourite social media account to follow this year? Life with Ivy Coco.  I have to have a fix of her everyday.  If I lost my phone, she’d be what I miss the most.

Christmas in the snow or sun? Always the snow.  I can’t bear the heat.  Have you seen my complexion!?  My birthday’s on 4th December, wedding anniversary on 8th and I live for Christmas.

Five products that I could not live without?  I smother my face with Origins White Tea Skin guardian twice a day, always followed by  Aromatherapy Associates Nourishing face oil.  I also swear by Tracie Martyn’s Amla Purifying cleanser, Nuxe Reve de Miel lip balm helps my dehydrated lips and, lastly, Caleche by Hermes.

Spacemasks fifi Friendly

Thank you Harriet!!!!

