Levelling up my Self-care Sunday with a load of Self-love

self love

For all the harshness and falseness that social media brings, this last few days there have been so many messages of love following the sad news of the suicides of two well loved ground breakers, Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain. This morning I read a post about self-love on the gorgeous @vanderohe, loved what it said and wanted to share their words with you . #selfcaresunday

Self-love… Given the volley of tragic news last week, this is clearly something we could all do with a little more of: self-acceptance, self-nurturing, self-belief… a moment spent taking care of yourself only. In a world where everyone is unwittingly coerced into striving for unachievable perfection, in a loud world where social media shouts the voices of strangers 24/7, it’s easy to get caught up in the sound and fury and the “signifying nothing”. So stop, breathe, step back, switch off. Take care of yourself. Appreciate yourself. Love yourself. It takes just a moment.

