FFFFF …. Fifi Friendly Festive Fast Five

It is a given that we are entering into that time of year where there are gift guides a plenty doing the rounds, gift boxes are appearing on websites and people are generally starting to reflect on the year that was 2015.  With this in mind I am excited to bring to you the Fifi Friendly Festive Fast Five …. What the FFFFF is it? Well I have been in touch with some of the leading personalities in the Natural, Eco-Organic and Green Beauty world to ask them a little quick fire round of five questions. Who better to ask! Simple. Enjoy.

To start us off is Sasha Plavsic, the Founder of the award winning natural, organic, cruelty free, gluten free and dairy free beauty line that is Ilia Beauty.  I have a number of Ilia products as favourites in my make up bag so I could not wait to hear her answers. Thank you Sasha!

1) What would you love to find under the Christmas Tree or in your Stocking this year?
A day booked in at the Four Seasons Spa. Its not material but as a new Mom, it is truly the best present I can imagine.

2) Do you have any top tips to keep us looking stunning over the festive season?
Sleep, water and when all else fails our Illuminator in Cosmic Dancer.

3) What 3 products can you not live without?
A good facial serum, I am using Indie Lee at the moment, our Illuminator in Polka Dots & Moonbeams and our Tinted Lip Conditioner in Arabian Knights

4) Best bit of 2015 and what are you looking forward to most about 2016
Giving birth to a beautiful and healthy baby girl. Perfecting new and exiting products in our line.

5) My New Year’s Resolution is ……
To continually work at balancing baby and work so that each get quality time.

You can follow me on Twitter @iamfififriendlyPinterest, Instagram  and on Facebook.
