Earth Day

Today the 22nd April is Earth Day! For 45 years on this day people around the world have been pledging to make simple changes to their lives to help protect our planet. Harnessing this global day of small acts of green kindness I decided to make a few eco-friendly changes myself!

Everyday, I make numerous trips to and from the school and nursery with my kids. The country road we live on has no pavement and is a little unsafe to walk with the kids so driving is the only option. Normally I would drop the kids off and drive back home. Today, I decided to ditch the car at school after drop off and walk my dog along the canal and back to my house. This was the first time in the 5 years  I have lived here that I have done this walk and I really enjoyed it. Yes we had to come across some fields, ditches and nettle bushes, but it was great. I now get to do this walk again to go and pick the kids and car up. I think this could be a new routine and the dog gets a great long walk. Especially stunning when the weather is so beautiful!

I have also gone around the house to see what electrical appliances are on standby and switched them off at the plug. My recycling has been sorted and put out in the appropriate recycling bins. Finally I have pledged to do my washing at a more eco-friendly temperature.

What can you do to be more eco-friendly today? Every little small act of green kindness will make a difference. Why not try one of these …. or challenge yourself and pledge to do some more….make it a routine.

  • Ditch your car and walk or ride your bike
  • Do you leave the tap running while brushing your teeth …turn it off
  • Use recyclable shopping bags when you go shopping …. ideally cotton ones
  • Don’t leave lights on or even use a candle instead of using lights at night
  • Do you know how much electricity is wasted on appliances in standby mode? –  Just switch them off
  • How many chemicals are in the products you use at home? Why not switch to products that are more sustainable and naturally derived. Ecover and method have some great options.


What are you going to pledge today? Why not get the kids involved?

