TOTM ….. Time Of The Month

TOTM ….. Time Of The Month

I am an advocate of organic feminine care products …. (I can visualise my brothers wincing as they read this…. so I will continue). Not only do I appreciate the benefit they give our environment but more selfishly they are much safer for me to use personally. I first wrote about this topic here and immediately got sent very positive feedback from readers and also one of my best friends. She likened my blog to a “public cervix announcement” as until she read it, she had not idea of the ingredients in her tampons and panty liners.

Today I want to talk to you about a brand called TOTM (Time of the Month) who not only sell 100% premium organic cotton, biodegradable, cruelty free feminine care products, but TOTM cleverly arrange to have your chosen products posted to you every month in beautiful, feminine and most importantly discreet packaging. No last minute dashing to the supermarket or chemist to find that your brand of choice is not available! Been there, done that …. it is time to make periods a little easier.

Time of the Month

So how does it work? Well you go on the TOTM website for the first time and probably the first thing to do is read why exactly why you should use their feminine care products which are free from man-made fibres, chemicals, pesticides, bleaches and perfumes. After creating an account you select which of the 7 products you want, how often you want them delivered (i.e every 28 days) and finally you input your payment details. How simple is that?

So what are they like?  Great. In the past more natural feminine care products could have been accused of being natural but not really up to the job they were doing. TOTM are part of a new evolution of organic sanitary products that take the high street brands to task environmentally, physically and are up for the job.


Time of the Month
I love the concept of TOTM and how they are modernising periods …. the cleaner way. Great products in feminine designs. How often do you remember to stock up on  sanitary towels and tampons? TOTM take control of it. Super easy.

