A few weeks ago I read a quote that the gorgeous Sophie Uliano had put on Twitter. It was a bit of a catalyst for me. It came at a point of awful and started a process of really getting my brain thinking. If there is one thing I have learnt this year it is that life is a series of things you can control and sometimes a heck of a lot of things you can’t. There seemed to be way too many parts of my life that were outwith my control, but I was in control of how I responded to them.
I met a lovely brand owner recently and we spoke about realising what is important, how your life affects you and how getting that good work/life balance really makes it all easier. My important …. that was easy. Anyone who knows me well knows that my kids are top of my important list. They ground me in amongst all the clutter and they amuse intensely most days. I will happily bore you to tears with my funny stories of what the “brats” have been up to, what amusing sentences they have come out with or about that time when my daughter told the children’s ward staff that her nickname for her father was Jabba (the Hutt)…. oh how he still laughs that the nurses still remember it. However, true to the LR Knost quote, life isn’t always amusing.
Normally, if I am having a “meh” day, I try to put a positive face on and get on with it. There is not really much point in dwelling on things outwith your control. In reality, tomorrow will be different and there is little point in sweating the small stuff. However realising that there just seemed to be a whole heap of awful, one day after the next, was when it hit me that this summer had broken me a little. When we were faced with the reality that one of our kids might not come home from hospital with us, on more than one occassion, life was at its most awful. Bringing her home with us eventually was up there was one of the best amazing moments to breathe in.
This year has made us take stock. We live fairly healthily, normally, but I noticed that during this summer I was a lot more exhausted and drained with everything going on. One of my good friends joked that she felt I was cursed, truth of the matter was I was thinking exactly the same. With so much of my life outwith my control I knew I needed to start taking some control back. Everything felt cluttered. I needed to prioritise what was important and purge what wasn’t. Eh hello, if this does not scream overhaul then nothing will. Smoke this waiting for the new year to make a change. No, my change starts this month. Hello October!
Now we are getting back to our normal routine October is our month of change. The Fifi Friendly household is getting a good old overhaul. We are talking work/life balance, de-cluttering our surroundings, diet and everything in between. I started to read more about clean eating and raw food diets and realised that this could be one positive area I could make even more change in. The de-clutter/ purge has also started in my house and I have the Marie Kondo Method up my sleeve. We are making small changes but it is amazing how these small changes can be so cathartic. It is wonderfully empowering to grasp what is within your circle of influence when there feels to be so many things outwith your immediate control.
This month I look forward to sharing with you several blogs on the overhaul. Make sure you follow my on Instagram for daily updates.
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