Thai Sweet & Spicy Organic Tortilla Chips with Flaxseed

Have you ever had that conversation with your friends where you discuss snacks that make you happy? I know, you might be thinking,  is there actually a snack out there that is not the ultimate comfort food? I remember at Uni, that one of my friends was very much a sugary snack person and I was all about the savoury… or crisps.  Don’t get me wrong I still used to go the Ice Cream Van and get a 50p bag of sweets, but I can rarely walk away from crisps if they are sitting in front of me. 
I can pin point the start of my savoury snack adoration. Well there are two points. Firstly it was when I discovered Scampi and Lemon Nik Naks in the store cupboard of my friend’s parents hotel in Fife. We used to commando crawl downstairs to the cupboard before stashing a number of bags of these delights and making our way back upstairs to devour them.  Unfortunately it was her brother that always got the blame for it. Secondly, it was in the late 80’s and I discovered worcester sauce crisps. This coupled with my mum buying a big box of them at the Cash & Carry before telling me that crisps are not always bad as they do provide “roughage”. Yep, she actually used that word. My young self took that as a sign that it was ok to demolish the box of crisps, obviously not all the bags in one go, but enough of them. I then told myself that not only were they seriously yummy, but they were giving me “roughage” so must be good.  I am sure that this logic was lost in translation near the beginning and my mother will deny all knowledge of it!

I think I have found some savoury snacks that may actually be kind of good for you and oh dear god do they taste mighty fine!  On my recent trip to The Green Grocer in Inverurie, I spotted these Thai Sweet & Spicy Organic Tortilla Chips with Flaxseed by RW Garcia.  These gluten and wheat free little wonders taste like they should be bad for you, but have a load of good things in them. Flaxseed for starters. Known as linseeds to some countries, these protein and fibre rich seeds are packed with micro nutrients, omega 3 essential fatty acids, vitamin B1 and lignans. Before anyone asks, lignans are high in anti-oxidants as well as having anti-oestrogenic effects and being high in fibre.

To be honest I like tortilla chips and was not sure if the flaxseed would ruin my enjoyment of this packet. It did not. The Thai flavour also added a great twist to the chips.  I found myself fighting with my family to try and get my hands in the bag.
I can highly recommend these. I saw in the store there are other tortilla chips by the same brand and I will definitely source them.  It is a shame that these don’t also come in smaller bags, as these would be perfect for lunch boxes or on the move!!

They are gluten free, wheat free and organic. Taste like a great savoury snack and have no trans fats of cholesterol. Sounds like they are 100% Fifi Friendly.

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