The Laundry Edit – Top 3 Eco-friendly and vegan brands

Anyone else find that regardless of how many times you explain where the laundry baskets are your family still manages to stockpile dirty clothes elsewhere. My kids tend to let…

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method Washing Up Liquid and Daily Shower Cleaner

I am a big fan of using naturally active products to clean my house. I have a couple of go to brands and one of them is method.  Their non-toxic…

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Earth Day

Today the 22nd April is Earth Day! For 45 years on this day people around the world have been pledging to make simple changes to their lives to help protect…

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method Air Freshener

We had a bit of an incident in the Fifi Friendly household, our 9 month old Lab decided that he wanted to steal the roast chicken I had cooked, even…

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Homescents and Violets – Let’s do laundry!

Picture this…. sunny winter afternoon and you are out walking your 7 month old Labrador. Oh to be in the country and breathing in fresh air. Until said Lab decides…

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