Self-care Sunday … sign up here

Fifi Friendly

LIFE // ….. Self-Care Sunday is the new Sunday Funday!

I don’t know about you, but if I am not spending my entire week chasing my tail, I am spending my weekend ticking off my never-ending to do list!  I remember being younger…. oh those were the days …. where the only obligation or to do I had each weekend was to go out and have fun with my friends.  No to do list in sight people! Annoyingly the weekends sometimes feel just as exhausting as the week! How does that work? It doesn’t.

It is time to get some balance back, take some downtime from the noise of life and roll out Self-care Sunday. It is all about wellness and it is not just a trend. It is about trying to take some time out and putting the to do list down for one day of the week! Now I could list all the ways that you could nourish yourself mentally, physically and nutritionally here, but let’s take one step at a time. The easiest way to grab a little me-time on a Sunday is with your skincare.  Make a date with yourself, lock it in the diary every week and do a little at home Sunday spa treatment. Whether you are into manicures, face masks, exfoliating scrubs, hair mask or lounging in a bath for an hour with no disturbance, Self-care Sunday can be so soul enriching and helps re-energise you to be  ready for another week.

Have a wonderful Sunday!


