Standard course for testing a natural deodorant usually involves a cheeky sweat inducing workout on top of general daily use. However, every once in a while I like to mix it up a little and there was going to be no gym session involved in this trial …. instead I would spend the day at court. Say what? Well dear reader, I have a few followers of my blog and also one follower who followed me and after they were arrested and charged by the police, I got a cheeky invite to appear in court. I sweat it out if I visit the gym, but apparently I also sweat a heck of a lot when I am stressed, scared and on the stand.
This is what happened when I decided what better way to test a deodorant than during a stressful and sweat inducing criminal trial. As it turned out this was to be one of my toughest tests ever. On the right underarm I went for Jason’s Unscented Pure Natural Deodorant Stick and on the left pit was Green People’s Scent Free Roll- On Deodorant.
Jason’s Pure Natural Deodorant stick contains no aluminium, parabens, phthalates or propylene glycol. What drew me to it on the shelves of my local health food store, was the words “clinically tested for all day odour protection”. Before I go any further I would love to know what these results were based on. Barely 3 hours into my “test” I began to notice this weird smell around my right hand side of my body …. specifically my right pit. There are only so many subtle ways that you can try to catch a whiff of your pits in public so I scurried …. with my arms planted to my side …. over to the nearest restroom …. where my fears where confirmed. I was reeking. In fact I was smelling so bad I have just had the urge to get onto my thesaurus and find some other words to give you a gist ….. my pit had taken on a whole new level of stink, stench, mephitis, odour, foulness, fetor, funk, malodor, noisomeness, vile redolence and a generally offensive smell that I have never experienced before. WTF dear reader, this would only be worse if it was the arm that I needed to raise in court to take my oath …. oh yeah…. I was just about to have to do that. Next step was an emergency application of my miniature salt deodorant spray that I had luckily remembered to keep in my bag.
Maybe this was a one off, I mean, maybe it would be different on another day. No, no, no …. that will be a negative people …. and the survey says that I was still stinking. I found myself having to shower mid way through the day and reapply several times. I also have no words for how bad I smelled after an overnight with this deodorant on. It is somewhere on the scale of like when my brother came back from an expedition in the Arctic. I don’t care how new and improved this deodorant says it is on the label, it did not work for me. I know also get why the Sunday Times Style Magazine showed their distaste for natural deodorants and clean armpitting. Maybe this was one of the ones they had tried. This turns out to be the worst natural deodorant I have ever tried.
So what happened with my left pit, well Green People’s Scent Free Deodorant is 89% organic and free from gluten, SLS/ SLES, parabens, lanolin, phthalates, propylene glycol, alcohol and a whole host of synthetic chemicals. I love that this is a roll on and it was really easy to apply. I was actually recommended it a number of times by my brothers old PA (…. hi there lady 🙂 ). I found this roll-on to be really refreshing to apply and this natural deodorant is great for all skin types, but also great for sensitive skin that reacts to fragrances.
This deodorant comes under the list of natural deodorants that work for me. I did not find myself reaching to reapply halfway through the day and hallelujah I did not stink . In subsequent days of every day life test situations, this natural deodorant performed. YAAAAYYY!
Sadly dear reader, I am discovering that the search for a great natural deodorant is one of trial and error. Out of the two products on trial in this blog, one has earned its place in my bathroom. The other, much like my court visit, is a situation that I hope not to return to.
What is your favourite natural deodorant? Next on my list to try is the new one from Aurelia Probiotic Skincare. Other natural deodorants that have passed the stink test with me are Salt of the Earth, Pure Aura Spray and The Natural Deodorant Company.