100% Organic Ultimate Beauty Oil by Viridian

I started giving my kids an omega oil a while back but it was only recently that I actually got one for myself. My recent trip to Good Food in Edinburgh saw me coming home with a range of products from organic raw chocolate to hummus chips to vitamins and probiotics.  The Ultimate 100% Organic Beauty Oil by Viridian was one of my purchases (200ml £9.85).

I normally start by saying why products are good for you before going into what it does for you. Today I will start the other way. This is a product for you if you are wanting to beautify, plumpify and soften you skin. If I heard that sentence, I would buy into something really quick! I should probably now go into how it works.

This skin beautifying bottle is filled with the organic oils of golden flaxseed, hemp seed, avocado, evening primrose and pumpkin seed, making it massively rich in skin pampering 3:6:9 fatty acids. I started to take 2-3 teaspoons of this 100% organic, first cold pressed and vegan friendly beauty oil and began to notice a difference in my skin within a week. By week two my skin was more balanced, definitely fresher looking and this was both my skin on my face and the rest of my body.  I do think the texture and plumpness of my skin is changing. My nails are also so much stronger and less likely to break! They are also growing really quickly!!!

Viridian believe in 100% active ingredients and their products are free from gluten, wheat, lactose, added sugar, salt, yeast, preservatives or artificial colourings. I love that this Organic Ultimate Beauty Oil come in a cardboard tube to help protect the product. I was not sure I would handle it straight on the spoon but found it easy to add to salads, to my morning smoothie and I even tried it in a cold pasta salad.

Do you take any omega rich oils? Have you tried this one by Viridian?

You can follow me on Twitter @iamfififriendlyPinterest, Instagram  and on Facebook.



  1. May 14, 2015 / 7:34 pm

    I love Viridian, they are such a great brand with great values. Their products are awesome too!

  2. May 14, 2015 / 7:58 pm

    I am a convert too. Which is your favourite product?