Laurie Sanders – Fifi Friendly Festive Fast Five

One of the latest products to find a space in my clean beauty bathroom is the Clean Deodorant Balm by The Natural Deodorant Co. Laurie Sanders, the founder, wanted to create the perfect deodorant that was organic, natural and made from wild ingredients. Her Clean Deodorant Balms not only naturally work hard and succeed where many natural deodorants fail, but they are also gorgeously packaged…. sounding fairly perfect so far! I am delighted to have Laurie answering the Fifi Friendly Festive Fast Five for us today.

1) What would you love to find under the Christmas Tree or in your Stocking this year?
I’m asking Father Christmas for a juicer this year.

2) Do you have any top tips to keep us looking stunning over the festive season?


Be sure to combat the central heating and Christmas puds by drinking enough water and eating lots of fresh fruit & veg…I’ll be eating my body weight in pomegranates because I adore them!

3) What 3 products can you not live without?


It would have to be Clean Deodorant Balm, facial moisturiser (current fave is Antipodes) and mascara.

4) Best bit of 2015 and what are you looking forward to most about 2016

The best bit of 2015 has undoubtedly been the launch of The Natural Deodorant Co and the success we have seen already. In 2016 I am looking forward to our first show and hopefully many more happy customers.

5) My New Year’s Resolution is …… Practice yoga for at least 10 minutes a day.
