Time to Spring Clean Your Beauty

Time to Spring Clean Your Beauty


As I write this in April…. it is snowing again …. and not the fun type of snow where you can sledge and it looks pretty…. it is that slushy bleugh type. I know I am not the only one is getting is more than ready for spring, but it seems the somewhat ever-changing weather is making it a little harder than normal to embrace the season of Spring and all the new beginnings it brings. One minute it is spring, then winter again and back to spring. My friend likened it to starting to date a new guy whilst still sleeping with your ex …. hmmm so moving on. The longer days are here and the warmer, sunnier and less snowy/slush weather will hopefully come soon. This is the best time to do a little de-clutter, detox and spring clean of your life …. Lets start with your beauty cabinet.


Check those expiry dates

All makeup and beauty products have expiry dates and this is the perfect time to check which products need to be ditched.  The good news is that some of the richer, darker and moodier toned products you purchased for autumn and winter will a natural expiration at the same time as your need to brighten up your beauty routine. Check the bottom of your products to find out more. If in doubt,  I love this infographic from Well + Good for those products that don’t have the dates clearly on them.


Make up Expiration
c. Well + Good


Time to clean those brushes

Makeup brushes are a bit of a bacteria breeding ground and are recommended to be given a good clean at least every week. I mean would you apply your make up with dirty hands? No! Don’t forget your hair brushes too … when was the last time they were cleaned? Try soaking your hairbrush in one part apple cider vinegar to two parts warm water, before rinsing in warm water and leaving to dry out overnight.



Beauty Edit

Once all the out of date products are gone, lay everything out and put them into piles of most used, used monthly and not used in the last 6 months. The chances are if you have not used products regularly or in the last 6 months …. you are not likely to use them. Ditch, ditch, ditch these by giving to friends if they have not been used, recycling or binning. This goes for skincare and makeup! Trust me it feels great to start over with a manageable selection of products you love and will use regularly.


Spring ready skincare

Your skin will change with the seasons and so should your skincare routine. Spring is a great time to move from rich and heavy moisturisers to brilliantly hydrating facial oils, light weight hyaluronic filled gels and serums.To brighten up the skin on your face try cleansers or toners with AHA enzymes to gently remove any dry skin and leave you looking more refreshed.

Exfoliation should be a part of your weekly routine all year round, however in preparation for showing more skin as the weather warms up you will want to level up to get rid of the dry and neglected winter skin that was covered up for months. Try body brushing for a few minutes before you go into the shower each morning. I love this circulation boosting, toxin eliminating, body invigorating and dry skin exfoliating addition to my morning routine. Don’t forget to exfoliate your lips too … not with a body brush … try a lip exfoliator twice a week!

Finally, if you are not using an spf each day now is the time to add it into your skincare routine. There are some brilliant and lightweight spf skincare products on the market to make this an easy transition.


Bring out the brights!

Yes I am still wearing my nearly black nail polish as I type this,  but this week I will  start celebrating spring and embracing those brighter, warmer and hotter colours.  Think creamy blush on your cheeks, orange based tones on your lips and all about the brightly coloured beach ready nail polish. Tonight I will be swapping my nail polish over to one of my faves ….. anyone else excited to reach for these again.

