How Sustainable Is Your Coffee?

Percol Coffee

Can we talk about coffee? Most of us love a good coffee as part of our daily routine and have all hopefully pretty much got our reusable cup game totally down. I love my Keepup and Huskup. Tasty coffee on the go ….. also extra points for using no single use plastic cups …. huzzah! 

However, did you know that many coffee brands wash their coffee beans in a cheeky little chemical bath that includes the less than planet friendly or palatable ammonia and chlorine! Hmmm…. well there goes our point for being good to our planet. Makes you think doesn’t it! Then let’s take into account all the plastic packaging produced and used within the UK coffee industry each year. For the record we are talking in excess of 100 million and many of these are non-recyclable!


Shopping for sustainable coffee 

Today, during our family shop we looked out for coffee brands that are organic, sustainable and a whole lot more ethical. Among our good coffee haul was this one by Percol who as a brand are not only organic but are also trying to reduce their plastic footprint. You may spot that they proudly have plastic free packaging!!!

Percol are the first ever coffee brand to be honoured with this plastic free mark and this range is manufactured using renewable resources like plant fibres and eucalyptus wood pulp. The end is result is packaging that is fully home compostable… brilliant. Just chuck the empty packet in with your food scraps and you are good to go! (Interesting fact is that it takes between 12-26 weeks for them to fully break down!!

Fairtrade trailblazers

As one of the Fairtrade coffee pioneers, carbon neutral certified Percol has been supporting it’s coffee farmers for over three decades. Now they are one of the sustainability pioneers and plan to make all of their products plastic free by the end of 2019. 

I bought my Percol at Waitrose. Below is my edit of some reusable cups ….. these include affiliate links.

