From where I sit … Victor Hugo

Victor Hugo

Hello #spring ….. well some days of spring before we get the spring like snow again!!! After a week of being pretty much stuck indoors while my little dude recuperated from his op, I had ear-marked today as a day to get out of the house…. even for a short while and enjoy the gorgeous spring sunshine. Fast forward to an emergency hospital visit with the wee guy and the next few hours being spent in the care of a lovely A & E team.

The little dude had what I can only describe as a bucket of morphine so…. well he was very happy with the world…. cracking jokes left right and centre…. doing crazy jazz hands …. and asking if he could start calling his dad by a new name… Billy Bob 🙈. Yep I have no idea where that came from…. the only Billy Bob I have heard of is the one who was married to Angelina…. Anyway the Billy Bob chat certainly brightened the mood for everyone in the room…. well maybe apart from his dad!

The sunshine to my day was taking my family home, going home is the best. To celebrate ….. and to feed someone’s morphine munchies 🤣🤣 …we stopped at my favourite Deli in Edinburgh, Victor Hugo, to pick up some take away food on our way. There is something so calming about Victor Hugo’s and they do the best sandwiches, coffee, salads, cakes and waffles!! From where I sit, this turned out to be the perfect place to end an unplanned day! This place. This part of town. This food. These people. All the loves.
