Benecos – Liquid Eyeliner update.

Sometimes you try a product out and you know instantly if you love it or it is not for you. I have had a few experiences where I have tried something once and thought there is no danger I am going back there again. One product that springs to mind is Weleda’s Salt Toothpaste.

That said, there a times when it takes a bit of time to get to know a product, and this is what has happened with my trial of Benecos Liquid Eyeliner. Since I wrote about it, I have persevered and can now draw a fairly perfect line with the applicator ….. my hand is out and ready to be high fived. I did not expect this to happen, but I was delighted with my achievement. It went on perfectly this morning and has lasted all day.

 I love it when you find a value product that works!!

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