Amanda Barlow – Fifi Friendly Festive Fast Five

Amanda Barlow – Fifi Friendly Festive Fast Five

At the start of this year I was chilling out at the wonderful Fletcher’s Cottage Spa with one of my best friends …. and by chilling out I mean we had just finished two exquisite treatments and were so relaxed that we could barely string a sentence together. My post massage hair was oiled up to the max, I had the biggest and fluffiest Fletcher’s Cottage robe on and I was in the most serene place! I was also in my element and there was very little that could have improved my day until, out of the blue, I was introduced to the Managing Director of Spiezia Organics, Amanda Barlow.  To be honest, I was a little star struck at first because I was already a massive fan of Spiezia Organics and their work with the Made for Life Foundation. It then dawned on me that I was shaking the hand of an industry guru whilst wearing a massive white robe, no bra, fluffy slippers, greased back hair and feeling so relaxed that basic words were proving somewhat difficult to produce from my mouth. Luckily, since that point I have had the pleasure of meeting Amanda a few more times (sans oiled up hair) and each time I have come away more in awe of her.

Amanda is unlike so many MD’s of successful companies, first of all she is quite frankly one of the warmest and most genuine people I have ever met. Her passion and knowledge for everything within her organisation is intoxicating. Amanda and her exceptional Made for Life team are doing so many incredible things to make spa treatments accessible for people going through the cancer journey. This is what inspirational looks like! Finally she is great fun to be around and as Queen of Hugs …. she gives amazing hugs! I think that I have only asked her to adopt me once ….  so it will be good to see her answers below and find out what is in store for me over the festivities if she decides to take me up on my request! Today, I am delighted that Amanda is the first person in 2016 to answer my Fifi Friendly Festive Fast Five.

1. What would you love to find under the Christmas Tree this year?
 A cure for cancer would be my first choice

2. What is your favourite festive tradition or way to celebrate the holidays?
Going for a good walk along one of our favourite beaches on Boxing Day with the family and our dogs and following this up with steaming mugs of hot chocolate and cups of tea.

3. What have been your favourite beauty finds this year?
Sleeping, practicing mindfulness, hugs and fresh air along with adapting some of the lovely nutritional lessons learned from Bettina ( Bettina’s Kitchen) have been my best finds.

4. What is your best bit of 2016 and what are you looking forward to most in 2017?
There have been lots. On a business basis, launching our new packaging to the market was great along with launching Cancer Touch Therapy into spas and seeing the difference it makes. On a personal basis, passing my CBT ( Compulsory Bike Test) and scooting in on a moped. In 2017 we have several new launches and are opening into the broader market which I am really looking forward to. I am also really looking forward to being able to throw on my leathers and go into work on my motorbike that my husband, Geoff, bought me. Finally, looking forward to a family road trip planned for the summer with my lovely girls and Geoff.

5. My new year’s resolution is ….
….. to hand out more hugs, carry on doing what we are doing and to run another half marathon

Spiezia Organics was the first UK Brand to achieve 100% organic certification from the Soil Association across its whole range. The natural ingredients at the heart of  Spiezia Organics have such a positive effect on my skin, at the same time as having minimal negative impact on our environment. The products, the vision, the ethos and the inspirational team at Spiezia all come together to make such a stunning brand.  Spiezia Organics also happen to be the visionaries behind some of my all time favourite spa treatments.  You can find out more about Spiezia Organics at

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