For the last 30 years Odylique have been caring for skins with their award winning, certified organic, fair trade and natural range. They first featured on Fifi Friendly last year when I reviewed three of their products including their Coconut Candy Scrub and my appreciation for this brand continues. In the last few week I have been adoring their Creamy Coconut Cleanser (which is part of their Rose Gift Set in my Festive Edit) and the sublime Superfruit Concentrate. Odylique is a family owned brand that continues to evolve but remains to be affordable, allergy prone skin friendly, certified organic and using high quality ingredients.
I love that this brand started out being made on a kitchen table and now they have over 40 products that are exported to over 20 countries worldwide ……. Wonderfully they are still making them by hand. Today Abi Weeds, Co- Founder of Odylique, is answering my Fifi Friendly Festive Fast Five.
1. What would you love to find under the Christmas Tree this year?
A People Tree gift voucher – I love this UK ethical fashion brand. Their designs are great and it’s so nice to buy in the knowledge that whoever made your clothes was being paid properly. I buy all my dresses from them.
2. What is your favourite festive food, tradition or way to celebrate the holidays?
I have two children, 5 and 8; which are fantastic ages for enjoying any festive season. I just love watching them get excited. (And the excitement started mounting for Christmas in October already!) We’ll have Christmas at home and it’s the only time of the year I have time to get really into, and creative about, cooking.
3. What have been your favourite beauty finds this year?
I’m (obviously!) a devotee of Odylique, but my daughter is hugely into face-painting so it’s been a joy to find a brand of children’s face paint, Snazaroo, that doesn’t irritate her sensitive skin.
4. What is your best bit of 2016 and what are you looking forward to most in 2017?
2016 has been a really rewarding year at Odylique. We won the Natural Health magazine award for best organic brand, launched our Organic Sun Cream, have had such good press coverage, and it’s been a joy to be making so much of our beloved organic shampoo that we’ve barely been able to keep pace with demand. In 2017 we’ll be opening a whole new side of the business…watch this space.
5. My new year’s resolution is ….
….. Get out running more. I try to run 4-5 times a week to ventilate my brain, but this year ended up being closer to only 2-3. It’s always hard to balance work, family life and exercise, but my son has started running with me so I’m hoping that will be a solution to stop those guilty mummy feelings of exercising in family time!
Thank you Abi. You can find out more about Odylique at www.odylique.co.uk
Bye for now,
Fifi Friendly