Trek Banana Bread Protein Flapjack

With one of my lovely big brothers getting married in spring I am on a mission to get my fitness back.  Goodbye muffin top and hello HIIT and any workouts I can get my hands on.  I mean business. This morning I even dropped the kids off at school in my gym gear,  much to the surprise of some of my friends and even one of the teachers.  Fat burning exercises done …. woo hoo…. now is the perfect time to review my Trek Banana Bread Protein Flapjack.

I remember trying protein shakes years ago and it was never really something for me. However, I do love to come back from the gym to a ham, cheese and spinach omelette. Eating after the gym is sometimes more important than before your workout. Your body needs to be fed to help repair those worked out muscles and help get your glycogen stores back up. Protein with some carbohydrate mixed is what I like.
I bought the Trek Protein Flapjacks last week in my supermarket. First off they were on sale and secondly they are wheat, dairy and gluten free.  Each pack contains 10g of protein. I tried the Banana Bread Protein Flapjack first. Initial thoughts were it tasted good. Loved the banana pieces. So many protein bars are a bit… meh. The soya protein crunchies also gave this bar a good bite.  Before I knew it the 50g bar was decimated and  I felt revived. This bar does include Rice Syrup and there are those out there who are against having sugar after workouts etc. This has not deterred me as I am not having one every day. I will be buying more of these and giving myself a break from the omelettes every now and again. Great to give you energy and help you recover after working hard. Warning as they taste good and these could be addictive!!

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