The Dog’s Christmas

Call it avoidance of doing any of my main Christmas prep, but it does appear that the first member of the family to have their Christmas gift bought for them was Mr Dog!  Yes, I still have nothing for my mother but the dog is sorted. So what do you buy the dog for Christmas? Long gone are the days of dog’s presents that hang from supermarket shelves and are anything but natural.  Just as my mothership is Content Beauty in London, Mr Dog’s mothership is the fabulous House of Hound in Edinburgh.

Darren and the team always have the most gorgeous products in their boutique for dogs. They never hold back on dressing the store for the seasons either. I am loving their Christmas window. They put so much effort into it….. amazing.

This year Mr Dog has been spoilt to a rather cool Christmas Dog Toy from House of Paws. The legs and arms can be extended in different directions and this dog toy is also made of the kind of fabric that will not get torn by the dog in seconds! Bonus! There is even a little loop to help you attach the toy to your Christmas Tree. NB …. don’t do this is your dog is a little bit of a jumper!

We have got a few products from Lily’s Kitchen in the past and came home with the their Limited Edition Turkey With Cranberry, Thyme and Cinnamon Christmas Biscuits. These are complementary treats that are 100% made of natural ingredients. Given that we have 3 dogs with us on Christmas Day, I am sure these heart shaped bite sized treats will be wolfed down. (Mr Dog has already taste tested 2 of them and has just drooled on my newly clean floor!)

For the last 17 days, Mr Dog has been getting his advent calendar. To be honest this started as a thing for the kids to do with him … and they have enjoyed giving him it it at the same time they get theirs. However, in true lab form he likes to test the boundaries and will just stand underneath his advent calendar it a random points of the day. He is subtle like that.

Nestled delicately on our Christmas Tree along with the Kid’s Crackers is a Gourmet Christmas Lunch Cracker by the lovely guys at Harry’s Treats. Mr Dog is already a fan of their super natural dog treats so it is a no brainer that this will go down very well.

House of Hound is such a great store to visit with your dog, post us some pictures next time you visit.


1 Comment

  1. December 20, 2015 / 10:38 pm

    Ahh looks like mr dog is going to be very spoilt at christmas. I brought my cats a present , a toy.nmy gave it to them before asking me and i didn't have to heart to take it back off them. They are so spoilt x