Is this the best blender? ( and juicer, ice-cream maker, …

Miracle of miracles ….. my full household de-clutter has made my kitchen an easier place to navigate. Gone are the extra plates, glasses, mugs and cutlery that were never used. Woo…

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Orange and Kiwi Juice – Who would have thought!

When I started to make my fresh juice this morning I realised very quickly that my fruit and veg fridge was looking a bit sparse. So, today’s juice was super…

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The Raspberry Nut Yoghurt One

Sometimes when I am coming up with names for juices I like to keep it simple. Can you guess what is in this one? Adding nuts to a smoothie can…

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Give Me Strength Juice

 Are you training hard at the gym this weekend? Do you find some days you have no stamina? Try this juice for a little boost.  Say hello to a burst…

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My Green “Swamp” Juice … “Best Green Juice”

One of my favourite juices to make to properly give me a burst of vitality is my green “swamp” juice. I will be honest and say that my ingredients are…

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