Goats Milk – an alternative to cows milk

I often get asked about recommendations for cow’s milk alternatives. Whether this be because people have an allergy to cow’s milk or finding that they don’t digest cow dairy products…

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Abi Weed’s Festive Fast Five

For the last 30 years Odylique have been caring for skins with their award winning, certified organic, fair trade and natural range.  They first featured on Fifi Friendly last year…

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Purepotions Intensive Hand Cream

I first heard about Purepotions from my sister. She is a Doctor in Brighton and urged me to have at look at their amazing products. Fast forward a couple of…

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Homescents and Violets – Let’s do laundry!

Picture this…. sunny winter afternoon and you are out walking your 7 month old Labrador. Oh to be in the country and breathing in fresh air. Until said Lab decides…

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No Itchy…. No scratchy

One of the kids brands that I have had the most response back on is Bioskin Junior by Salcura Skincare. Whether it be in person, in email or on line,…

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