There is something about Marie!
In fact everyone needs renowned super-facialist and holistic wellness expert Marie Reynolds in their life. I was first recommended Marie by Alex Steinherr and after a little more reading up on this amazing lady, Marie Reynolds came into my life this year. I pretty instantly became a fan.
Marie’s work isn’t just about making your skin look amazing, she wonderfully and intuitively works to improve how your whole body is working …. inside and out. With a grounding in Oriental diagnosis, Marie bases her treatments on the concept of Noetic Science and that our emotions and physical being all interact together. For example if you have a problem with your skin, it is likely to be mirroring an internal problem. Often using your feet as part of your first consultation, Marie can pick up on any imbalances fairly instinctively and go one to offer a bespoke resolution.
It would be very easy to have an ego as big as her fan base, which is vast and includes Beauty Editors, A-list celebrities and sports personalities, but Marie is the opposite. She is one of the most down to earth, interesting, caring and knowledgeable people I have ever spoken to. She is one of these people that instantly puts you at ease in her presence. This was something I noticed especially when my son had a consultation with her last week. He is normally shy in this type of situation but he was completely happy to talk openly from the get go and loved chatting to her.
With her own skincare and supplements line under her belt, Marie has her own clinic in Norfolk and has a guest clinic at Fortnum & Mason in London. Marie also is the creator of two of my favourite skincare products that I could not be without, the Epidermal Blanket duo! Today, I am delighted to bring you the Marie Reynolds Festive Fast Five.
What is your top beauty tip to keep that glow this festive season and top well-being tip from 2018? Dermabiome of course it is my top go-to-glow product. Be kind to yourself! it is OK to say no.
What is your favourite festive food, tradition or way to celebrate the holidays? My favourite festive food has to be traditional Christmas Dinner, our favourite tradition is going to Felbrig Hall where they have Christmas carols with hot toddy’s and an old fashioned brass band we sing outside under fairy lights in the grounds – very Downton Abbey like.
Five products that I could not live without…. Coll-Force, Dermabiome, 4Tify, Cosmedix Reflect and the Epidermal Blanket
What is your best bit of 2018 and what are you looking forward to most in 2019? The best bit of 2018 was undoubtedly my product launch in London, very proud moment for many reasons. Looking forward to things evening out, not so intense in 2019
This year I have tried to live a little greener by ….. Looking at the ingredients used in my products and trying to be completely recyclable – I am about 95% there