In July I got to meet the magnificent Marie Hall from Bloom Remedies in London where she had just collected another award! I had heard of Marie’s organic and natural products before, but it was only at the Love Natural Love Organic/Allergy + Free From Show that I actually got to try them out in person for the first time. There is so much to love about this brand. Marie’s passion and skill is very apparent in all of her Cornish made skincare range. The 100% pure and effective ingredients include active plant extracts, organic oils and floral waters which are hand blended in small batches. Each product that I have tried from this artisan brand has won a place in my bathroom very quickly. Bloom Remedies was also the first brand I turned to buy Fifi Friendly presents for my family this Christmas. Over to Marie for her Festive Fast Five.
1) What would you love to find under the Christmas Tree or in your Stocking this year?
I’m a real believer in getting something that you both love AND need at Xmas. I would love to find a new set of Eco yoga luxuries under the tree as these are things that I need as my old things are wearing out. Like a luxury non slip eco yoga mat (like the Ecoyoga jute mat from yogamatters), plus some lovely prAna clothing – organic cotton of course and at price that would make it feel like a real treat too
2) Do you have any top tips to keep us looking stunning over the festive season?
Drink. And by that I don’t mean booze – although no doubt I’ll be having the odd tipple too. No I mean water, and lots of it. It fills you up so stops you binging on food, it’s great for your skin, AND it helps expel all the toxins that we all inevitably succumb to in the form of alcohol and rich food. I love the splurge of Xmas, but water is always my best friend at this time of year to help counter the fact that I over indulge.
3) What 3 products can you not live without?
My Daily Replenish Face oil, the Peaceful Mind pulse point roll on (new to our range and great for the stressed out festive season) and Jason hair shampoos/conditioners – they are the only natural ones that my scalp and hair have ever really got on with.
4) Best bit of 2015 and what are you looking forward to most about 2016
5) My New Year’s Resolution is …… My New Years Resolution is to continue to focus on the connection between body and mind, and to use that connection to shape my health, both mental and physical.