Juice Warrior – The Alkaline Juice Cleanse

As you know, I love me a juice!  I am happy to make my own at home, but to be honest when it comes to doing a proper cleanse it is time to bring in the experts. Juice Warrior is a Glasgow based juice company that makes 100% raw cold-pressed juices.  You can buy their wonderful glass bottles in a number of sites across the city but they also do a Nationwide delivery.

Juice Warrior was started by a Glaswegian couple who loved having plant- based nutrition as part of their daily life and wanted to make it easy for other people to enjoy it too. Juice Warrior juices are fresh, never pasteurised and nothing is ever added to their juices. There are so many things I adore about this brand, but lets start with their excellent range of Juice Cleanses.

They have a great range of 8 tasty Juice Cleanses to choose from or you can make up your own. There is pretty much a cleanse for anyone. If you like a cleanse with minimal fruit, a cleanse that tastes naturally sweeter or one that is all about Mylks, then Juice Warrior has it covered. I like that their cleanses are well thought out, but they understand that you might want to interchange bottles if you don’t enjoy a flavour.

I chose the Juice Warrior Alkaline Cleanse. Ordinarily I prefer more fruit flavoured juices as my go to, however I figured if I am going to do a cleanse that I wanted to go the whole hog. This green based cleanse is set to alkalise your body.  If you are swithering about which cleanse to choose, the guys at Juice Warrior are really helpful.

Before shaken
After shaken

My Juice Warrior cleanse was delivered in a cooler box and I was immediately surprised by the weight. All the bottles were glass.  I love this environmentally friendly and nontoxic choice!  I was then taken aback by the size of each of the juices. I don’t know why but I presumed they would be smaller. My juice cleanse included the following:-

Goodness Gracious Green – Cucumber, Pear, Pak Choi, Spinach, Lemon 
Essentials – Cucumber, Kale, Chard, Romaine, Parsley, Lemon 
Blood Pact – Beetroot, Carrot, Celery, Lemon, Ginger 
Bangarang!– Cucumber, Kale, Pear, Lemon
Pearfect – Pear, Celery, Spinach, Lime 
500ml Mylk of your choice 
Chlorella Shot – Organic Chlorella, Filtered Water 
2 x Cleanse & Detox teas 

I was really excited to start but put it off for a day as I wanted to start the day with them.  I was delighted with my top shelf of my fridge looking as it did. The Juice Warrior guys sent me an email including a FAQ sheet, a good luck letter, and also advice on my particularly cleanse which gave hints on what to eat, body brushing etc.  They appeared really hands on and knowledgeable which I liked.

This cleanse really took me by surprise. I didn’t feel hungry….miracle. I did decide to eat some small salad type meals as extras but this was more to fulfil family social time at meals. I think the 500ml size of the juice bottles had a lot to do with me not wanting more food.  Juice Warrior recommend spacing the juices out by about 2 hours. I didn’t let this hold me back and I took my bottles out with me in the car when we headed out. 

Given I like a bit more fruit in my juices normally, I really enjoyed this cleans. I also found that the juices that were my favourite on day 1 changed on day 2. There was not one juice that I dreaded having …. well maybe the chlorella shot, but it was so small I could handle that. I had never had Mylk before and the Coco Cashew Mylk was amazing. It is probably the wrong thing to admit during a cleanse, but it would be such a great base for a rum cocktail!

The days after my cleanse I actually found myself missing the kick start  that my Juice Warrior drinks gave me throughout the day. I felt really energised during my cleanse. I noticed a big change in any stomach bloating at the end of the day. I did not feel like I was missing out on food and I did not hear my stomach rumble. The volume (500ml) and  great flavour of the juices really kept my appetite happy.

Would I do this cleanse again? 100% yes! I would also love to try some of the other cleanses. Such great way to get your daily vitamins and minerals. I appreciated that I wanted to eat less junk food after the cleanse too. It is amazing how quickly the body can start to be retrained. I got more support and advice from the team at Juice Warrior than I expected and they clearly put a lot of effort into their business. Really delighted to award them a 5* Fifi Friendly award…..congratulations guys. You can find out more about Juice Warrior here. I love the juices, the branding, the names …. the everything.

What is your favourite Juice? Have you tried a cleanse before? 
