Why I love dry skin brushing

Dry skin brushing

I remember just before my wedding being in Space NK and one of the lovely experts told me that she dry brushes her skin for at least half an hour …. every day. Say what!!!! At the time I didn’t get it and certainly was not up for spending that amount of time exfoliating my skin …. even if it was in front of the TV. Fast forward 15 years and I finally get it. I am quick off the mark like that.

Dry skin brushing isn’t just about exfoliating away dead skin. It is a great way to stimulate your lymphatic drainage system to help release toxins from the body, reduce the appearance of cellulite and unclog pores. However, for me, dry skin brushing is also like a bit of a massage …. an invigorating massage! It is a great way to help wake up in the morning!

Where do you start? I love to use a natural bristle brush and find it easiest to brush before my shower in the morning. Using long sweeping strokes start at your feet and brush up towards your heart. When it comes to parts of your body above the heart like your arms, shoulders and chest you brush in the direction of your heart.

It might feel a little uncomfortable to start with, so I would recommend being gentle around more sensitive areas of the skin. However, the benefits are noticeable fairly quickly! Here are some great brush options for you to begin your natural dry skin brushing journey. Don’t forget to wash  your dry skin brush regularly and leave to air dry.





Fifi Friendly can be followed on Twitter @iamfififriendlyPinterest, Instagram LinkedInYouTube
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