In amongst all my attempts to eat a little more healthily, there is still something pretty comforting about a good bacon roll. Am I wrong? Where we try to buy good quality bacon wherever possible, I am still mindful that our beloved bacon also contains the not so beloved cancer causing nitrates as well as a raft of E numbers, preservatives, allergens and phosphates. Good news is that bacon just a got a little healthier.
This month sees the launch of Naked Bacon in most supermarkets including Marks and Spencer, Waitrose, Tescos, Morrisons and Sainsburys. Finnebrogue Artisan is the company behind Naked Bacon has produced a bacon that is free from all of the aforementioned nasties. Pretty impressive! Over on their web page you can find out where you can get your hands on some and also great page to let you find out about what harm nitrates and the other nasties can do … here. Naked Bacon be available over the next few weeks. If you can’t wait until then, even better news is that Marks and Spencer is now packaging Naked Bacon under their own brand and is on 2 for £5 from today!