Delicious Alchemy

Delicious Alchemy

It has become a bit of a joke with my neighbours about the amount of packages I get sent every week. It is true I do get my fair share of brown boxes through the post and so when I received this awesomely designed package from Delicious Alchemy it really stood out. This is officially the best looking postal packaging I have ever received! I got very excited about the products even before I had opened the box.

I am waiting for someone to say, it is all well and good to look pretty but if the products are no good then what is the point.   They are good. Who better to come up with gluten free products than someone who wants to eat them. Delicious Alchemy was born over a decade ago after their founder was diagnosed as coeliac and was despondent by the lack of great, natural and healthy gluten free food.  I am delighted she was despondent! She has gone on to create a wonderful range of easy to make and tasty gluten free goods like cereals, breads, biscuits and cakes.

They positively adore porridge

My kids, like most kids, do not always want food that is good for them, however my two both adore porridge!!! My son will often go through stages of it being the only thing he wants for breakfast, for a snack or for pudding.  This past weekend I made them a vat of Delicious Alchemy’s Gluten Free Rice Flake Porridge.  Much to their delight.

delicious alchemy fifi friendly

When I say it is easy to prepare…. it is. Add flakes, add water, stir, dish up and add any extras. Simple as that. There are instructions of how to make it in the microwave or in a pan. As I tend to make enough to feed half the village I always go for a large pan.

Rice Porridge by itself is never going to be sweet or massively full of flavour, however, I find it easy to eat. I wasn’t sure how we would find Rice Flake porridge in taste when we first tried it, but there were no complaints. For the Fifi Friendly house this porridge comes alive when we add extras. We have tried one bowl with bananas, another with bananas, raspberries and dark chocolate spread (so good) and the final bowl was plain with some St Helen’s Farm Goats’ Milk. Let’s just say it always goes down well.  Pan gets emptied!

Porridge, although it is warming and substantial, it should not just be reserved for winter. Why not make it good for summer too. There are a lot of options to try it with from cinnamon to seeds, apricots, raisins and coconut milk. We also love to make this Rice Flake Porridge more rice pudding style for dessert.

Breakfast issues!!

Anyone else have this issue? I find that if I ask my two kids what they want for breakfast, there is a strong likelihood that they will deliberately say the opposite thing to each other!! One wants toast and the other wants egg. However, often when I ask the kids what they want for breakfast they both shout “porridge”. It is like a Christmas miracle. No squabbling, no fighting for spoons and no gentle encouragement to get them to finish their breakfast … (please feel free to read that sometimes this is less gentle and more “hurry up we are gong to be late).

These kids genuinely love porridge! The only squabbling that goes on is because they want to make the porridge themselves. Huzzah! To their further delight I asked them to help me review the next porridge by Delicious Alchemy….. Gluten & Dairy Free Quick Cook Original Porridge Oats.

delicious alchemy fifi friendly

These are 8 sachets of single portions, idiot friendly and super easy to make porridge. All you need is the sachet, a bowl, spoon, water and whatever you want to heat it up in – pan or microwave. I used to take a porridge sachet to work with me and free pour water in the bowl and hope for the best. Sometimes it worked. The other times I was left with some runny and watery tasting breakfast.

Delicious Alchemy in their wisdom have not only made a great gluten free porridge, but they have also put two clever lines on the side of the packet. One line tells you where to cut to open the sachet…. some mornings I need as much help as I can get. The other line tells you where to fill the water/milk up to …. this is your own personal and portable measure for good consistency porridge! Literally idiot proof.

Great for breakfast on the go!

From there all you need to do is microwave it for approximately 3 minutes. Voila… you have a great porridge with perfect consistency. So easy. You can make this porridge in a pan at home too. Love this.  This porridge tastes too good.  My daughter can’t move off having it with some honey or agave and milk … she is determined like that. Whereas my son is more adventurous.  He has come up with some ideas of what he would like to have it with tomorrow. Today he had his porridge his favourite way …  with warmed bananas with coconut milk.

These porridge sachets are fab to take to the office or away for the weekend. Best still just make at home. I have loved my Delicious Alchemy products I have tried so far.  They are easy to make, natural and are most importantly tasty! I also adore the packaging.  Gluten free should not equal having a dull design or creative. These products really stand out and are inviting and have to be awarded a 5* Fifi Friendly !!!

Have you tried an Delicious Alchemy products?
