I have a been a fan of the Chocolate Cupcake from Marks and Spencer’s Made Without Wheat range for the last 5 years….. amazeballs! Yes, I know, I have still not had one in the house long enough to take a photo and review… although I did buy 3 last week they evaporated within a few hours as the whole family loves them. In an effort to help fulfil our requirements for cupcakes I decided to make some myself. Whilst perusing the free from aisles of my local supermarket I came across a Helen’s Chocolate Cupcake Mix and quickly snapped up a packet to try and make some at home. Yes I come from a family of good bakers and cake makers and should be good at making these from scratch myself….. but I have found my baking more hit or miss and save it for birthday cakes.
First off, really easy to make. I managed to make great tasting moist cupcakes whilst on the phone to my bestie and with the help of an excited child and a dog….. by helping I mean the dog was sitting on top of my feet waiting for any morsel of the mixture to fall his way. Very quick to do and they turned out surprisingly great. Taste like a cupcake should and are lovely and moist. I have not had a chance to add frosting to them yet as they have been consumed in the following ways…. I must clarify first this was not all in same day!
- to check they were OK in first place… 4 down
- taken to school in lunch bag… 2 down
- wolfed down for post school snack… 3 down
- warmed up and topped with milk for pudding… 3 down