Botanicals Foot Scrub

For a few weeks we had a glimpse of what summer was going to feel like….. and then we got hail stones! That being said the brief glimmer of warmth gave me an abrupt reminder that my body would need to be summer ready…. like now.  I am not talking about being bikini ready, there is enough in the press about that, no I am talking smooth skin and feet that can be shown in public!


I first tried Botanicals, a natural and certified organic skincare brand, when I used their Calming Lotion on my legs last summer.  I love their clear labeling and you know that there is nothing synthetic in their ingredients. Now I am looking to them to help get my feet in shape. Luckily it looks as though the colder weather will be with us for a few more days so I can have a little extra time to get them prepped!

Botanicals have a range of foot care products including a Foot Soak and a Softening Balm, but it is the Foot Scrub that I have my eye on. Let’s be honest, much as I love wearing boots in winter, they do leave my feet in the worst condition. I will religiously file my feet in the summer… sounds really gross but you know what I mean…. however it is not really a priority to file them in winter as I don’t have my feet staring back at me all the time…. they are hidden away cosily in socks and my boots.


I think the Botanicals revitalising Foot Scrub could be a bit of a saviour. First of all it won the Best Foot Treat award in the Anti-Ageing Beauty Bible. Secondly, it is a mix of Dead Sea salt, Himalayan rock crystal and Shea butter. If that doesn’t shift the ugly dead skin cells before nourishing the feet then nothing will. Finally, it also has lemon grass and tea tree in its ingredients, which are anti-microbial and anti-septic. Bonus. Scrubbed and cleansed and ready for flip flops! Botanicals Foot Scrub can be bought from Botanicals and also  Botanical Brands – £14.50

Have any of you tried this product or any of the rest of the Botanical Foot Care Range?

*Pictures Property of Botanicals
