Are vitamins part of your wellness ritual?

Together Health Vegan vitamins supplements

Biggest bug bear with me this morning is my bedroom. Everywhere else in the house gets a tidy first and my room remains like a scene from a channel 4 hoarders documentary. This morning is operation sort that room out!

Anyone else notice they are way down on the priority list? While I am at it, I also notice that I diligently put the kids vitamins and probiotics out each morning with their breakfast…. but often forget to take my own supplements until later. Sometimes forget full stop! So as a bit of a vitamin public service announcement for myself…. this is changing. Today I choose wellness, today I am adding it my daily rituals.

We are pretty big fans of the award-winning and plant-based range from Together Health in this household. Every supplement is derived from all natural ingredients like plants + herbs. Even better…. each one is vegan friendly, free from pesticides and herbicides whist being gentle on our tummies too. Here are some of our current favourites.

Stress impacts us all

Male or female, young or old modern life can have a stressful impact on our bodies. Anyone else have days where you feel constantly switched on? Stress affects us all and a Mintel report suggests that over 85% of us Brits suffer from anxiety or stress at least sometimes.  Alarmingly 25% of 16-24 year olds feel anxious or stress every day.

One of the newest members of the Together Health range is Stress Aid which is designed to support your adrenal system and helps your body to manage the way it responds to stress. Stress impacts a lot including our mental state and releases ageing free radicals into our bodies.

Stress Aid is full of 11 food based vitamins minerals and a natural ocean derived magnesium. It is complete with naturally occurring live enzymes, phytonutrients, amino acids, trace mineral and other bioactive co-factors that improve absorption. This vegan friendly supplement includes three adaptogenic herbs (Schisandra, Ashwagandha and Rhodiola) too.


Ladies first

I have been enjoying the benefits of supplements specifically formulated for the unique needs of women for the last couple of years. For the last month I have been taking this Woman’s Multi Vit from Together Health. I like that this whole food supplement has higher levels of iron, biotin, chromium and copper. I do also find that taking a supplement like this helps when it comes to that time of the month. Definitely less PMS, less/zero cramps and lack of energy is no longer as big an issue for me.


Omega 3 with no fishy aftertaste!

Their vegan Omega 3 is part of the Together Health Nutrient Boosts range. It is super pure and derived from DHA + EPA rich algae – the very same algae fish eat to give them their omega 3! So if you are looking for a more sustainable, ocean and environmentally friendly way to consume omega 3 …. this is it. Did you know that fish only contain omega 3 because they consume algae? The algae that Together Health use comes from sustainable sources where it is grown and harvested in a completely contaminated free environment.

Unlike many fish oils, these omega 3 supplements contain no hazardous substances like heavy metals, dioxins or PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls). The extraction process uses zero chemicals too. The question that most will ask …. do they smell and taste bad? No! These softgels don’t stink of fish and don’t repeat…. huzzah!

Are vitamins and supplements part of your wellness ritual?
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