Alnwick Castle – Family Trip

alnwick castle

#nofilterneeded …. Alnwick Castle…. you rock! My legs are still burning from my broomstick training and getting “the” flying shot…. but yesterday has to have been one of my favourite days with the family and friends…. ever. Alnwick Castle very quickly became one of our favourite places!

I have to say it is one of the best organised attractions that I have ever visited with all the fun things being free to do when you get in. Broomstick Training was a big hit with our group and was brilliantly run by two Hogwarts Professors. Top points also goes to Alnwick Castle for having one of the nicest baby changing areas …. this was something that I always used to measure places on.

alnwick castle

The scenery, the Harry Potter, the company, the ice cream and all the well organised activities were so enjoyable …. and then there was sunshine on top! Ah sunshine I have missed you!

alnwick castle
