2018 BMW i3 S

Ever since I first tried the BMW i3 in 2015 I felt that BMW cornered a pretty special place in the electric car market place. Afterall, this was one of…

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BMWi8 …..coming soon

Following on from my general excitement about the fantastic BMWi3 …. my blog on the BMWi8 will be out soon. Wow, wow and wow.

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May’s Fifi Friendly Must Have Product of the …

Given how rubbish and late I was at getting the April’ s Must Have Product of the Month out, I thought I would try and redeem myself by getting May’s…

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BMW i Series and the BMW i3.

A couple of weeks ago I ventured out to the Evolution Scotland Motor Show in Edinburgh. There were a few things that sent me there. Firstly I had started to…

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