October School Holidays

williamstone farm steadings

One of the best things about the school holidays is the extended time you get to hunker down with the family. We are just back home after a fairly awesome 3 nights away with my lot and my mum. Finding a great holiday space is great, but finding a place that continues to be great visit after visit, well that is so much more, it is holiday gold!

For us, Williamstone Farm Steadings in East Lothian, is our great holiday bolt hole. This time around we were excited to introduce my mum to it too. Within 24 hours of arriving she had already proudly invited her local friends to have a look around and emailed them with the web address and how to book for their families.

Fairly sad faces this morning as we left William Stone Farm Steadings. We will miss our leisurely breakfast at this table tomorrow that is for sure!

williamstone farm steadings
