Chicken with Mint & Goat’s Milk Yogurt….

I rarely plan dinner too far in advance so tonight I am having a Fifi Friendly family favourite ….Oven Baked Chicken with Mint & Goat’s Milk Yogurt. Normally I am only a fan of mint if it is in a Mojito, but I love this dish.

350g Goat’s Milk Yogurt ( I use St Helen’s Farm)
2 handfuls of chopped fresh mint
4 or 5 chicken breast fillets

Firstly mix the yogurt and mint together before adding them to the chicken.  Cook in a pre-heated oven at 220c, 200c (fan) or gas mark 7 for 35 minutes or until the breasts are cooked through and there is a golden brown colour to the dish.  (I often cut the chicken breast into strips which can reduce the cooking time significantly). I have found that it cooks best on a baking tray but I have used an oval oven dish too.

It is great with rice, salad or even a flatbread.

This recipe serves 4 adults and only takes 5 minute to prepare. Super quick, healthy and leaves you time to do the something else while it cooks.

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