So you are probably wondering what this has got to do with being Fifi Friendly and where I am going to go with this one. Well, here I go. I was one of the thousands of women who did not check their breasts regularly. Given that my mum, a breast cancer survivor, underwent breast cancer surgery and treatment last year, I really have no excuse. The truth is that I did not make it a “thing to do”. It was not a priority. I get up in the morning, I run around making sure the kids are up and out to school, walk the dog….. yadda yadda…life is busy and I forgot to check. Full Stop.
A couple of weeks ago this changed. A few sign-worthy things happened that made me think about checking my breasts. Firstly, one of my friend’s gorgeous mum underwent breast cancer surgery. It really took me back to when I found out about mum and broke my heart that they were now going through this. My friend told me that she was shocked at how many women our age were in the same ward as her mum. The truth is breast cancer, like all cancers does not discriminate. Secondly, the next day I saw a Coppafeel advert on TV with Sarah Jane Crawford. She was asking what your boobs feel like normally…. #whatnormalfeelslike. I remember her describing her’s in a couple of words… bean-baggy… and wondered how I would describe mine. The truth was I wasn’t sure.
So, I decided that this was a sign for me to get my act together and Coppafeel. Alarmingly I felt something that I was sure had not been there before. It wasn’t a lump but what can only be desribed as a long dent and a bump. I was straight onto numerous breast cancer websites and was alarmed that it is not just lumps you should look out for but a whole load of other symptoms too. How could I not know this?? I remember thinking this could not be. I plucked up the courage to visit my GP who quickly referred my on to meet a consultant.
Will you challenge 5 of your friends to take 5 minutes out of their month to check? Spread the word…. #whatnormalfeelslike
*Pictures are copyright of Coppafeel.org.